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In case of death

En cas de décès
Meeting with the family counsellor

Following the death of a loved one, here is what you’ll have to bring along to your meeting with the family counsellor: :

  • Clothing, underwear, socks, dentures, glasses (so we can prepare the deceased);
  • The deceased’s health insurance card (if you have it);
  • His/her social insurance card (or at least the number);
  • His/her birth certificate (if not, you should have the information provided on the birth certificate);
  • If there is a living spouse, we will need the same information indicated above for that person, as well as the date and place of marriage;
  • A recent photo to help us prepare the deceased, include with the obituary in the newspapers and print on the bookmarks or thank-you cards;
  • The list of the bereaved, indicating the maiden names of the women (this is for the notice that will be published in the newspapers);
  • Two (2) ID documents for the person in charge named by the family (for instance, driver’s licence, medical insurance card, passport…).
Download printable PDF list

Important: allow about two hours for the meeting with your counselor.